It was an honor and our pleasure to put last nights fundraiser together for Barbara Dunican McMullen, our friend who is family and Albany County Correctional Facility Children's Benefit, Inc.'s 2nd Vice President. We would like to take this opportunity to Thank The Comedy Works who will donate $10 from each of the 74 tickets sold for last evenings show; All those who braved the cold to come out to support this very special lady during her time of need;'s Board of Director's who constantly keep Barb in their thoughts and prayers along her treacherous journey to health; The 3 comedians who had everyone crying with laughter for over 2 hours; Albany County Sheriff's Union Local 775- (ACCF Correction Officer's Union) for their sizable donation; Jack Gaydushek and his lovely wife Tara Hoffman-Gaydushek for their extremely generous donation; To all who donate on Barb's fundraiser page at…/help-deputy-barbara-mcmullen-…; To Christy who donated to Barb the $250 cash card she won last evening and to Donna Smith, Tim Dedee, Darlene Dedee & Maria Macarilla-Semenick for coordinating the very successful prize raffles. Please keep Barbara in your thoughts and prayers that she will one day return to good health!