The Cleveland Clinic recognizes 3 children every year out of the thousands they treat with their Courage Award- This year Connor has won the award! It is the first time someone treated in the pain program will be recognized. He will receive this HUGE honor at a black tie gala in Cleveland in April, 2010.
Cleveland Clinic: Pain clinic last resort for children
CLEVELAND -- Most of us have experienced physical pain but imagine it being so intense you can hardly move or be touched. That's life for some teenagers at the Cleveland Clinic Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Program. Click to view Connor's Channel 3 News Interview- Cleveland Clinic
ACCFCB takes this opportunity to CONGRATULATE Connor, this courage award is absolutely EARNED! Keep up your tremendous effort and please share photos with us of your Courage Award so we can post it here on our website. Sincerely, John Smith- President
(E-mail Tue 3/02/10 10:32 PM)-
Hi John (Smith), Please share with your group Connor's honors. They are a very important part of his story. Connor finds the courage everyday to get up and live knowing he will be in pain and that the CRPS is spreading but more importantly that he has people that believe he can get beyond that. He knows there are people that believe he is more than his diagnosis. I can not tell you how much it helped him and I do know we had your support. When it comes to illness and children, miracles can happen with the help of caring people.
Thank you
The Menneto Family
Connor Suffers with "CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), first discovered in the Civil War, is still barely understood. But it's known to come about after multiple injuries to an extremity -- such as the breaks in Connor's leg.
Like the phantom sensations experienced by an amputee, the disease causes the brain to send out pain signals for trauma that doesn't exist. And the pain is far worse than any trauma might be." Times Union Staff Writer ALAN WECHSLER