John Wojcik - President
18 Abigail Court Glenmont, NY 12077
Email: [email protected]
If you have or know of a seriously ill child who resides in Albany, New York's Capital Region in need of financial assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will try to help you where we are able.
Our Application Forms are used in conjunction with our discussion with the family/ Guardian(s) of a seriously ill child. ACCFCB Board of Director's will review all information gathered to determine how best to help.
Thank You for visiting ACCFCB's Seriously Ill Children's website!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Leslie Trosset, CEO of for donating her valuable time and expertise to designing our brand new web site for us. is an invaluable tool that updates the community about our mission and the seriously ill children that we support around the Capital Region of New York.
Leslie, we are truly thankful to you and others like you who come into the children's foundation and volunteer their talent that we would otherwise not have access to. You are a caring, good hearted person and we are so very thankful to you. It is an honor and certainly my pleasure to work with you on this very important project.
John R Smith, President
"Albany County Correctional Facility for Children's Benefit, Inc."
Posted by: John R Smith | March 31, 2009 at 03:39 PM