Jeffrey Driscoll, an eight grader from Ravena, New York was diagnosed in September of 2008 with Ewing Sarcoma- a rare form of bone cancer. In 2009 Jeffrey underwent surgery to remove some of his right arm bone, from his shoulder to his elbow which was replaced with cadaver bone. Jeffrey will receive chemo therapy treatments until July and will be re-evaluated after that.
Jeffrey is a big sports fan, especially of the Boston Red Sox. Jeffrey grew up playing sports until his diagnosis sidelined him- for now. In the meantime he enjoys virtual sports- (video games) which doctors claim is therapeutic for his arm.
The Albany County Correctional Facility for Children's Benefit (ACCFCB) is assisting Jeffrey and his mom, Tina with the extensive medical and travel expenses involved in Jeffrey's care.
March 2009: Jeffrey's friends, classmates and faculty from Ravena Coeyman's Selkirk School district with help from the NYS Troopers held a basketball fundraiser. Many of them had their heads shaved at the event to honor Jeffrey.
June 26, 2009: Jeffrey will be the guest of honor at ACCFCB's 5th annual "Teed Off For Tots" golf classic event banquet held after golf at the Fairway's of Halfmoon golf course in Mechanicville, NY (3pm-5pm). Jeffrey will be the recipient of this years Courage Award- it is well deserved!
Thoughts from Jeffrey's mom to ACCFCB: Download Jeffrey Driscolls Mom's Report Regarding Sons Diagnosis